
When Battlesnake is started, the path to your config file is passed in via the -c flag. Default values are pulled from battlesnake/config/configspec.cfg. Any of the values detailed below may be overridden in your config file.

The name in brackets in each section below is the section name in the config file.


The hostname or IP address of your game. Must be overridden in your config file.
The port to connect to. Must be overridden in your config file.


username (default: Battlesnake)
The player username to connect as.
The player’s password. Must be overridden in your config file.


response_watcher_expire_check_interval (default: 1.0)
Sets the interval (seconds) for how often to check for stale response watchers to purge.
enable_hudinfo (default: False)
If True, generate and send a HUDINFO key. This will allow you to start using HUDINFO commands.
extra_services (default: [])
A list of Python paths to loader functions that return a Service. If you only have one item to add to the list, make sure there is a trailing comma or you’ll get a validation error. A comma causes our config system to convert the string to a list.
plugins (default: ‘battlesnake.plugins.example_plugin.plugin.ExamplePlugin’,’battlesnake.plugins.nat_idler.plugin.NatIdlerPlugin’)
A comma-separated list of BattlesnakePlugin sub-classes to register. Plugins can contain Triggers, Timers, and commands.



keepalive_interval (default: 30.0)
Sets the interval (seconds) at which the bot sends an IDLE command to the MUX. This is useful to prevent timeouts over NATs.


unit_parent_dbref (default: #66)
Your mech/unit parent’s dbref.


ai_parent_dbref (default: #69)
Your AI parent’s dbref.