

Battlesnake currently requires a game database with a very specific set of objects/functions/parents. If you don’t have a DB from Kelvin, you’ll want to find him on the Frontier’s BTMux channel and ask. We’ll eventually have one up for download once this stabilizes.

Battlesnake is developed on GitHub in a git repository. We don’t do any point releases at this time, as things are still evolving, and the expected audience for this software is pretty niche.

The first thing to do is retrieve a clone of the repository:

git clone

This will leave you with a btmux_battlensake directory. cd into it:

cd btmux_battlesnake

Now install the requirements via pip, preferrably within a virtualenv (you are using virtualenv, right?):

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to be able to generate documentation locally or run the test suite, install the developer dependencies:

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Now copy the starter config file and adjust the hostname, port, username, and password values:

cp config/battlesnake.cfg.dist battlesnake.cfg
vim battlesnake.cfg (Or whatever your preferred editor is)

You are now ready to run the bot (from within btmux_battlesnake):

twistd -n battlesnake

This defaults to using the battlesnake.cfg file in your current directory, but you can run multiple bots or use an alternative location with the -c flag:

twistd -n battlesnake -c battlesnake.cfg

When in doubt, check out the help listing:

twistd -n battlesnake -h


You will not be able to run battlesnake unless your current directory is btmux_battlesnake (or whatever you have renamed it to). This is a limitation of Twisted’s plugin system.

For more details on settings, check out Settings.